Media are often very busy people, juggling several deadlines at any one point. In the current business climate not having an online media kit is unwise. Media want information in a matter of seconds. We will help you help them by making it easy. PR CLUB will help clients create an online media library that will inevitably make your associate's time used more effectively and put you in the good books when a Bulgaria writer is trying to find your CEO'S biography for a last minute piece and your 'Marcoms' person has left the office.
A photo library is also imperative if you are marketing a beautiful boutique resort, you should have the right imagery to highlight your product. We can assist you in photo shoots, help you decide what should be your leading shot and coordinate a shoot for you.
If your sales and marketing team are planning on taking your product on the road, then you need a powerful presentation, PR CLUB can assist you in both film and photography. Help you cast the right models, script the piece, direct the shoot, and create a list of 'types' of shots that are required depending on your product message and intended audience.
A photo library is also imperative if you are marketing a beautiful boutique resort, you should have the right imagery to highlight your product. We can assist you in photo shoots, help you decide what should be your leading shot and coordinate a shoot for you.